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The Benefits of E-Cig Mods May Far Outweigh The Harms

Date Added: July 09, 2015 12:56:36 AM
Category: tobacco

E-Cig Mods are rising in popularity and are becoming one of the primary ways for tobacco cigarette smokers to find relief. However many in opposition to them claim that the nicotine they contain is very addictive and even comparably so to tobacco. A new study puts the debate to rest by demonstrating that the benefits inherent in smoking e-cig mods far outweigh any potential for harm.


Based on information released by a research team, it isn’t necessary to regulate e-cigarette usage. In fact, by allowing them to compete with traditional cigarettes, it has been noted that illnesses and deaths associated with tobacco usage would be greatly reduced. The study was partially funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health and demonstrated that the benefits of using e-cig mods as an aid to smoking cessation far outweigh the harms.


There is currently no published evidence demonstrating any harm from e-cig vapors which is one of the benefits of the past time. Since the vapor mimics smoking, many tobacco smokers seeking to quit are finding success where other methods have failed them. Dr. Hayden McRobbie, from the Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine at Queen Mary University of London stated that “If there are any risks, these will be many times lower than the risks of smoking tobacco.”

A separate study taken of 50 smokers who were trying to minimize the health risks associated with smoking showed that the brand of e-cigs called Eclipse was greatly effective in helping them to accomplish their goals.


With many studies evidencing the benefits of e-cig mods, it is a clear choice for many tobacco smokers seeking alternatives. There has been no evidence to demonstrate that non-smokers trying e-cigarettes began to crave traditional tobacco cigarettes. All the supporting evidence points to the fact that e-cigarettes help to reduce the health risks of smoking tobacco based cigarettes while also serving as an excellent smoking cessation aid.


When considering the benefits of e-cig mods, it seems that there are a number of advantages in comparison to disadvantages. Everyone decides what the best methods are for their own smoking cessation goals. As one of the newest and most effective methods available to quit smoking, it is worth considering whether or not e-cig mods are a fit based on ndividual preference.


At Cybercig, you can find a variety of ECig Mods and related products at competitive prices. Visit the website to find out more information today.

For more information, see: https://www.cybercig.co.uk/